Sunday, February 28, 2010

SLWMAC's Attitude of Gratitude

You know, i was so busy with being angry/traumatized by the bullshit with lu last week that i totally forgot to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Still Life With Monkey And Cigarette and to thank some people that have contributed to its success- what i consider to be success, at least.

I started writing it because my friend Jason started a blogger blog, and at the time i lived in a different city than he did, and i thought it would be a good way for us to interact more, and just keep up. Jason let his blog just sit, empty save for one entry until MAY, while i began writing in mine immediately (which he DID read and comment on even though he wasn't writing in his... just to be fair). since then, i've moved to his area, jason moved away, jason moved back, and jason's moving away again on thursday, but the blogs and the highly valued friendship remain.

I have also greatly enjoyed keeping up with my old english teacher from the alternative school trailer that i got my GED prep from some THIRTEEN years ago. She, too, moved away- to portland, with her husband where she's had two beautiful... um, precocious children- but i always used to write her drunken, drugged out emails for years and years and she's so much fun to talk to and she's so clever and just a good, nice, unwaveringly supportive influence in my life. Her blog is pleasant and fun to read, too, but it's a pale shadow of the level of sass she TRULY has (her conservative family reads it, and she has to dumb it down a bit for them)... i guess i shouldn't expound on that any further, but ANYWAY, i love her and she's awesome and that's that.

Lastly, i guess i need to thank David Mason of House of Vader, because HALF of my readers have cross-pollinated from his site, where he has me linked on his blogroll... a privelage i am not sure i understand, but am very grateful for all the same. In the same vein, thanks to Donny from Hip Like Me, for similar blogroll linkage. Your patronage is also unexpected but appreciated :-)

To all of my ghosty readers that i don't know in real life, and follow my blog but never comment, thank you too! Feel free to jump in and say hi or commiserate with me or bitch me out if you disagree with something, or to express enthusiasm for media stuff i put up that you like, or, you know... if you want to interact at all or what have you. you're more than welcome, i appreciate your presence and would welcome participation... no pressure, though.

to my friends in REAL LIFE who VERY RARELY or NEVER comment, thanks for loitering, you worthless bastards! i expected a LITTLE MORE out of you.

(just kidding!)

this probably seems a bit self-indulgent for what is essentially just an ALREADY self-indulgent personal blog that (to date) 11 people openly follow (including myself!), but all the same, writing SLWMAC has been fun, therapeutic and surprisingly non-chore-like for the most part. I get to keep up with some of the people in my life that i love, and i have met new people that i like very much and find to be creatively brilliant, wildly entertaining and clever as well as excellent human beings... it's pretty cool, and so THANKS, you guys. I consider my life enriched!

i thought i'd close with one of my heroes, Craig Ferguson and Company, closing the 1000th episode of his hosting run on The Late Late Show. You should download that while it's still up on the torrent sites. Craig Ferguson 1000th episode. it's a GOOD ONE.