Friday, January 15, 2010

Leno Bleeds

jimmy kimmel talked mad shit about jay leno (while dressed up as leno) a few nights ago, and leno decides that he should have him on for his 10 questions at 10 segment or whatever the fuck he calls it. jimmy just mad dogs the camera and answers each question with cold contempt, and by the time questions 5 and 6 roll around, jay is clearly very uncomfortable... it's awesome! good for everybody (conan, kimmel, letterman) ALL joining forces to just kick the everliving fuck out of jay at every conceivable opportunity.


  1. I can't stand Leno! I never understood why anyone thought he was funny. I really want him to go away and leave my poor Conan alone!!!

  2. letterman's been extra, EXTRA mean. it's terrific. i hope the new tonight show w/ leno reprising hosting duties goes down in flames, sort of like in inglourious basterds when the jewish cinema owner projects her face as the theater starts burning and the audio is like "this is the face of JEWISH VENGEANCE!" except this time leno and his audience will put a clip of something on, and conans face will appear as ignited napalm pours out of the ceiling fire extinguishers melting everyone in the room, and on the screen is a closeup of conan's face and he's all like "this is the face of GINGER VENGEANCE!"

    that will be awesome.
