Sunday, June 6, 2010


Above: Rob at the Ratt/Edgar Winter Group/Starship/38 Special Fairground Spectacular on 05/23/2010, at which we got matching sunburns.

I was supposed to do this on june 4th, not june 6th, but i didn't forget, i just didn't do the blog post.

I met my best friend rob 11 years and two days ago, and we've been pals ever since. Have things gotten stale? Have we grown apart?

NO! You want proof? i can give you some anecdotal proof right now.

The other day, june 3rd, when Rue McLanahan died, some of you may recall that i talked about Betty White being a Highlander. I also tweeted about it. That afternoon at about 2:30, i get a text message from Rob. Talking about how Betty White is a Highlander, and that there can be only one. Later that night i called to say hey, and i asked him if he'd read my blog or tweets about Rue and Betty, and that i'd written about the very same thing, almost word for word. I was sure he must have, but sure enough, NOPE! he came up with the thought by his own self.

Pretty fucking cool.


  1. Yay! Rest assured that if *I* had a blog I would have a very similar post saying how cool my friend Seth is. Word, homey.

  2. well, technically you DO have a blog, my little Robz0r. i accept your hypothetical proxy praise.
