Friday, March 6, 2015


Russell Tovey saying he's glad he's not effeminate is not the end of the fucking world, gay people. It's just not PC.

I see gay friends posting about their OUTRAGE and reposting their favorite drag queen's OUTRAGE and so on and so forth. It's... Disproportionate.

People have types. That is ok. If we have types that we prefer in others, why would we not prefer to be a type ourselves. I wish that the gay community- one of the most back-biting, shit talking, superficial, territorial, ageist, classist, racist, elitist cultures I have ever observed or been a part of- would take a step back and think about every willfully cruel shitty thing they have ever said about, I don't know, THEIR OWN FRIENDS BEHIND THEIR BACKS and then revisit whether it is alright or not for Russell Tovey to be accountable to the world for being glad to be the way he is. 
Take a fucking breath, gay community.

Also, Drama School IS PRETTY FUCKING GAY. If nothing else, let's just admit that. We've all seen FAME.

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