Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not So Still Life With Monkey and Cigarette

Charla Nash is the lady who got her face torn off by a monkey last year. Oprah had her on last week, and did a "Big Reveal" where they had Charla in a wide brimmed hat with a black gauzy veil obscuring her face before having her take it off. Does anybody else think that Oprah reads as manipulative and exploitational for the last several years?

It's made all the worse by what i think of as "aggressive compassion," which is when a person uses somebody who is FUCKED UP in some way and then makes a HUGE deal out of lionizing them in a public manner in a way that aggrandizes themself. it's sort of Oprah's MO- see Mackenzie Phillips, Mike Tyson, Whitney (talk about SOFT SERVE, Oprah!) et al.

ANYWAY, you can go HERE for Newsweek's cover story about how Oprah has quite simply JUMPED THE FUCKING SHARK. At this point, the nicest thing i'd make a point of saying about her is that at least she's not TYRA. Actually, that's sort of my go-to compliment for anyone who has a deficit of human qualities.

Me, i'm watching Wendy Williams. That show is FUN, and she is TRASHY, but she knows it and as she would say, "it is what it is." No posturing for her, she regularly concedes that she is a hardcore gossip, she's a blatant, unapologetic climber, and she even makes jokes about how she looks like a drag queen.

The ultimate, though, was when some crappy C-list guest that was supposed to come on opted to do a phone in interview at the last minute. Wendy acted BORED AS HELL, and proceeded to cook a SLIM JIM with a BIC LIGHTER, while being apathetically dismissive and making back handed comments about her not showing up. ahhh, wendy... i wish you guys could have seen it.


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