Sunday, November 8, 2009

Velveeta Melts Better Than Cheddar

This is the crazy part of the semester- a lot of people would say finals are the worst, but i find it's the last month before finals, because it's really common for teachers to be behind in their course material (typically because of really stupid students who are either VERY VERY STUPID or worse, because they intentionally drag their feet through the easier, earlier in the semester material because they seem to think that if they gobble up enough time, the teacher will HAVE to drop material from the class, but IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT, ASSHOLES) and you've gotten to the difficult material by then, and PLUS there's a time crunch, so it's just hell. Finals to me are pretty easy (so far- knock on wood) because if you've got an A by the last week of class, then you've worked hard enough all semester for the final to not be that bad, if you are capable of even moderate retention and/or recall.

ANYWAY, i thought i'd post something. i feel bad when i don't blog, but as i have said before, i am a very guilt oriented person.

I don't like Celine Dion, but this old chestnut is pretty funny. It is also the first official selection for my new feature, "VELVEETA VARIETY!" which will focus on bad taste and overtly tacky subject matter. I doubt that anyone would argue against the reality that Celine Dion is a partially rehydrogenated processed cheesefood (from CANADA, no less!), and exemplifies the medium. These kind of posts are great because they're easy to write, they require little to no emotional involvement from me, they're fun and fast to read (or they are intended to be, at least... not to be PRESUMPTUOUS), they're fast to slap together, AND let's face it- there's a LOT more shit out there than there is high art- and part of me (not all of me, but PART of me) might argue that the processed cheese-esque foodstuffs of the world are a lot more fun.

so without further ado...


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