Tuesday, March 9, 2010


really DIDN'T want to ever have to do this, but i'm going to have to put SLWMAC on comment moderation mode.

I am so sick of writing about this, but this is probably the last time, unless he mails me a pig's heart with a nail through it or something really colorful like that...

Lu the 43 year old ex-boyfriend STILL won't leave me alone. If he bothers you guys on your blogs, just report it to blogger. He's started a blog where his username is my real name, so i guess just watch out for comments from "me." Or you can go to his blog, and look at some 10 year old pictures of me where i'm extra extra fat and/or not wearing an appropriate amount of clothing. He writes these mildly broken english captions 'in character' as me, and reveals what he believes to be SHOCKING REVELATIONS about me.

His life must be FANTASTIC.

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