Thursday, March 4, 2010


Jennifer Tilly was on Craig Ferguson relatively recently, and first instinct would be to be like "um, who cares?" BUT holy crap, she's FUNNY! she talks about her boyfriend cheating on her, how nobody loves a brunette, talks shit about Pay-Less shoes, tears craig a new one for giving her a "generic welcome back to the show card," tells a story about how she tries but always FAILS to get discounts on designer clothes, and reveals the secret of "what Craig smells like."

it's a freewheeling good time! check it.


  1. Okay. I'm catching up and way behind, but yeah. That was fucking hilarious.

  2. she totally reminds me of adella. it's UNCANNY.

  3. Jennifer Tilly is AWESOME! Besides acting she is one of the world's greatest poker players. Her divorce from Sam Simon (one of the creators of "The Simpsons") made her a very wealthy woman. So much for needing discounts on designer wear.


  4. hi Hero! suuuup.

    that's really interesting re Sam Simon/the simpsons money- you know stuff! you should come around more often :)

    i always kind of liked her? i mean, you've got to have kind of a cool sensibility to be in bullets over broadway AND bride of chucky. i always thought she gave good media, too, but in her mid to late nineties heyday she always tried to do the SUPER MEGA GLAM SEXY thing whenever i saw her and something about it felt forced and false to me, not that she's not sexy. but THIS INTERVIEW just exploded my mindgrapes. despite my love of craig ferguson, i guess i've missed her many appearances on the show. i need to youtube the back catalogue, because they have such an incredible chemistry and dynamic going on.
