Monday, March 15, 2010

OMG Becky, I Can't Fucking Wait

The news came out last week and everybody knew about it i think, but Betty White is hosting SNL on May 8th- the mother's day episode.

They're pulling out all the stops to make this as EPIC as possible.

Tina Fey, Amy Poelher, Rachel Dratch, Maya Rudolph and Molly Shannon (not pictured, but you all know what she looks like) will all be backing up our girl Betty. It should be pretty fucking good. i'm hoping that all the guest stars will have a role in writing the episode's material- not that Seth Myers and Co aren't more than capable, but there are some real comedic luminaries here, and all of them female, and it could be that they'd have a little extra insight when it comes to writing sketches for a woman like BW.

OH! they should TOTALLY get Maya Rudolph's boyfriend Quentin Tarantino to write a sketch! can you IMAGINE?


  1. It's all because of we who joined the Facebook group "Betty White to Host SNL (please?)!"

    Totally. I had a part in this. Remember that when the awesomeness explodes all over your face.

  2. you had a part in "awesomeness exploding all over my face."

    stay classy, rob!
