Friday, April 16, 2010

La La La La La La La La LAAAA LAAA, Lars Von Trieeeeeeeer!

Denmark Introduces Harrowing New Tourism Ads Directed By Lars Von Trier
SPOT ON, onion!

LvT is a genius, straight up. he's also totally bonkers. Additionally, he gives great interview. Most importantly, he psychologically tortured Björk.

Thanks to my dear non-believer friend Jason for the onion content.


  1. I was so disappointed with "Antichrist," thought I thought the beginning sequence was gorgeous. In my estimation LVT hasn't made a good flick since he tortured Bjork. "Breaking the Waves," "Zentropa," "The Kingdom," and "The Idiots" are damn near untouchable, though.

  2. i have to agree but also respectfully disagree... i enjoyed "the boss of it all," and i appreciate and respect "dogville," and "manderlay," although the latter two i did not find enjoyable. i thought that the staging was brilliant and particularly daring, as were the handling of either film's themes regarding race and misogyny. also, though not a purely lars von trier movie (direction is credited primarily to jorgen leth, but also to von trier), "the five obstructions" is maybe my all time favorite documentary dealing with film making. if you've missed that one, you should totally netflix it.

    totally with you on antichrist, though! though it did have it's moments, for sure... the cinematography was singular, but WOW was it off in a bunch of other (already infamous) ways.
