Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Germonicorn: POWER LESBIAN!

Doesn't Germone look like somebody that Jodie Foster could possibly find happiness with (in this picture taken before he got his mandatory haircut)? Like, "Oh, hai! My name's Linda, and i'm the head of accounting for a chain of ice rinks in upstate New York, where i also teach figure skating and coach a semi-professional girls ice hockey team. My hobbies include driving to the Albany Mall to buy clothes from J Crew and eating cinnabons while catching the latest Sandra Bullock film at the multi-plex! My favorite shows include Charmed and This Old House. In the summer time, i love nothing more than to grill me and the special lady in my life a nice juicy steak, then hop in my Subaru Outback and zoom off to Kentucky for a long weekend at the rodeo!"

*this message brought to you and paid for in part by Seth's Recreational Campaign of Blogular Terror Against Boyfriends (SRCBTAB). 2009, all rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. good gawd, man. i'm glad you're writing all of this down.
