Thursday, July 9, 2009

I May Actually Have a Stroke Over This

this is pretty lame, thought i'd mine it for content.

you know how on social sites you have PROFILES that say if you're seeing anybody or not, and then you have body paragraphs describing yourself in any myriad ways, etc? yeah, me too. also, if you've FILLED OUT one of these, then you should have the mindgrapes to comprehend the idea.

so this dude drops me a message, like: "i figured it couldn't hurt to say hi and see if you respond."

i looked at his profile, and even though there's not a whole lot to indicate anything about him really, i am new to the area, and am looking to make friends (as clearly stated on my profile), because i'm fucking LONELY seeing only my boyfriend everyday, so í message him back. he seems ok, you know?

i tell him (in the interest of clarity, not like i assume that his message indicated sexual interest or anything) that i have a boyfriend, but want to make friends because i'm new to the area (as clearly stated in my profile), and he writes me back that he is looking for more (ok, fine) but who doesn't want more friends, and that i should write him telling him ABOUT MYSELF (hellOOOO, PROFILE, i'm assuming you SAW IT, you did message me) but wait, that's not all, he also wants me to tell him ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND, and "let's hope that we can be friends."

REALLY, DUDE? i didn't ask him for a FUCKING KIDNEY, i said that i would like to make friends, and he is asking me for A WRITTEN APPLICATION just to hang out? fuck you, buddy- you're an assistant manager at a bookstore making 20 grand a year(not that that matters), not the fucking dutchess of york.

by the way, my profile is pretty extensive... probably obnoxiously so, but i doubt anybody could read it and not have a somewhat formed grasp of what my personality and my life entail.

i don't know why this whole thing made me so DAMN MAD, but it just infuriated me.

one final thing: he had one of those "casual" professional photos up on his profile, where he's wearing a black leather jacket IN THE FOREST, with his chin resting on his fist as he stares into the camera.

AGAIN, i must say REALLY?!?

*ok, edit: he's technically not resting his chin on his fist, but looking at that picture it is NOT HARD TO IMAGINE HIM DOING SO, is it?*

one more picture of this TOOLBOX:

and one final thought, and i swear this is the last one.

i think it's REALLY SAD that i am so lonely that i am willing to hang out with some stick-up-the-ass POSER asshat who is CLEARLY a massive douchebag. LOOK AT THIS PICTURE, and tell me this guy is not A FUCKING LOSER.


  1. i'm totally gonna start hanging out with that douche if ever i come back to tucson

  2. if he deems you worthy after your second interview, of course.

  3. o_0 ??

    i'd give it a ol good mormon effort. that pewter pentagram choker necklace & moussed hair is a way hot combo IMO
