Sunday, July 5, 2009

This Is Why You're Fat

(spam musubi)

There's this website that i like called This Is Why You're Fat and they have nothing but grotesque foodstuffs that are seemingly chosen for their ability to telepathically induce shooting arm pains for the viewer. It's not as good as Awful Plastic Surgery, but what is?

Anyway, cutting to the chase, i was on my friends Livejournal today and saw a picture he posted under the heading "Breakfast of Champions" (below).

(Bacon, Marbled Cheese Slices and Guacamole on White Rolls)

I submitted it. It's more "real life" than the RIDICULOUSLY inedible things that usually make it on there. I think it's got a shot.


  1. i'd totally eat those bacon/guac/cheese rolls.

  2. yeah, it does look good- but still. the very first thing that popped into my head when i saw the picture was "This is Why You're Fat." the website, i mean. not a judgement against my friend.
