Thursday, August 27, 2009


my financial aid finally came, and so i placed my order for a 2nd generation kindle. i am SO EXCITED!! i always carry about four or so reading books with me whenever i go anywhere (i'm an intellectual, you see), and so this will lighten the load, plus it has some amazing apps AND there are sites where you can download kindle books for free AND if something is brand new and i just fucking WANT IT NOW, i can download it wirelessly right where i am. plus, they lowered the price on the kindle 2s so it was only $299, and that's not so bad.

i seriously haven't spent ANY money this summer on anything that i wanted, it was all just basic life needs the last four months, so i treated myself to 3 new shirts at

they are awesome.

(HINT: "i don't care if monday's blue...")


explanation for n00bs:


  1. My friend is apeshit about his kindle, too bad I dont read cause im a roidtard otherwise maybe Id have something to be excited about. I think the technology is neat though, phil told me all about it, its like "e-ink" or something, like its not light based or some shit . I dunno how it works but I know its why they cant do color...

  2. well, ok, you don't "read" per se, but you don't look like you're made of wet bags of sand when you're naked, so it all works out!

    and you have stuff to be excited about! you have the haunted gym (i'm still pretty sure that god made that one just for YOU), you write the most popular blog i read (granted, you do have some a-holes floating around, but STILL), you have your own successful company with an incredibly devoted following which is not only what you love to do but is also- i assume- a satisfying creative outlet for you, plus you're really smart, you're really attractive, and you're extremely funny. you have the TRIFECTA of personal success, plus all that other stuff. and New Jersey isn't going ANYWHERE, so you'll ALWAYS have that. don't be glum, chum! :-)
