Saturday, August 29, 2009

WELCOME Aaron Cobbett!

I LOVE your stuff and i think you're an absolute genius (NOT a word i bandy about, by the way), and i am HONORED, THRILLED, and SHOCKED to have your readership! if you're here because you lost some sort of bet, don't feel like you have to tell me, ok?


*(turns away from imaginary Aaron Cobbett to face his decidedly imaginary readership)*

I just found out about him when i started reading the GREAT HOUSE OF VADER this last december (THANK YOU, jason), but i'm glad i did because WOW?! If you are reading this and are unfamiliar, go check his stuff out at That means ALL FOUR OF YOU! GET!!

PS, i WANT to put a picture up, but i feel like to put one up or even a selection of Cobbett's stuff up would almost be misleading because his stuff is so vast and varied? you guys should truly check out the site.