Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Not Exactly Weapons-Grade Plutonium, Now, Is It?

My spanish class has emerged as a likely winner of the much sought after "Which of my classes will cannibalize the majority of my time this semester?" Award. As anyone who has ever taken a language class will surely tell you, you'd better buy yourself some motherfucking 3x5 cards and escribir su vocabulario pronto or whatever. and i tried to do just that on Amazon this morning, and it CUT ME OFF AFTER 3 100 PACKS of the cards pictured above!

WHY?!? they're 3x5 cards, amazon! I'm not trying to by short lengths of pipe and bucketloads of nails with my lawn fertalizer, now, am i?

anyway- i apologize to anyone who wasn't smart enough to avoid this post based on the somewhat less-than-compelling picture of lined 3x5 cards... if your heart wasn't lulled into non-functionality by my office-supply-oriented prose.


  1. If they are cutting you off, you are probably on a list and they are probably reading your blog right now. It doesn't stop with index cards! They're just a gateway supply. . .

  2. i would have thought that 3x5 cards are towards the bottom of the list as far as my compulsive behaviors are concerned...

    and a gateway to WHAT, exactly?

    three hole punches... pencil sharpeners... tacks... highlighters...
