Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do You Ever Have Those Days That Just Beat You Down?

Yeah, me too.

I was up last night until 7 am this morning studying BIO, then i went to bed, couldn't fall asleep until Germonicorn got home and got into bed with me, about 8:30, and that sonofabitch fell asleep before me, as if to mock me and my exhaustion.

Alarm goes off at 12:50, i get up, get ready, we leave at 1:55pm, get to the west campus about 2:15, and i'm relieved, because i was late on the first day and i'm NEVER LATE, so i feel like it's important that germone get used to getting me there early. he's late for shit all the time, work, school, plans, whatever. we miss the previews when we go to movies, it's awful. anyway, i get there, early like i like, and it's HOT AS FUCKING BALLS out, i'm carrying this multi-ton bookbag, i climb all these damn stairs to get to the science classroom, and i get to the door, and it's locked. the only entrance to the classroom is locked, and it's a million degrees, and class isn't for half an hour. '

2:45, teacher opens the door. the entire class is standing outside, but i think i'm the sweatiest. anyway, i'll talk a bit about my science teacher in the future, but class went well otherwise. i got to work with this hot guy who had a green lantern tattoo on his elbow which was actually kind of cool, and we finished our lab first. he was nice, too.

i was still anxious about my almost FOUR HOUR spanish class that i'd never been to before... i was tired and wilted from the heat, but i was hanging in.

The spanish class moved REALLY FAST, and apparently we were supposed to get a workbook from the bookstore that they had neglected to stock (they told me all i needed was the text- not true) or the teacher had neglected to order- who knows, but she had xeroxed handouts in lieu of the bookstore getting their shipment in. i'm pretty annoyed by the fact that HALF THE CLASS SPEAKS SPANISH and they're just PRETENDING that they "can speak it and understand it, but i can't read it" but it's bullshit, they just want language credit for free, those fuckers, so i'm in a class full of cheaters that i'll never be able to catch up with, but anyway. there's only five chapters for the whole semester, it could be SO MUCH WORSE.

so... SO much worse...

it wasn't THAT bad, until i saw this really overweight woman in my spanish class (like, MASSIVE tits, no bra, older, rough face, hair in a scrunchy from 1987, big bi-sected ass/stomach in the front that hung between her legs) who was wearing spaghetti strap top that BARELY covered what i assume were dinner plate sized nipples and these SHORT FUCKING SHORTS that were digging into her legs. they were seriously short, and under the strain of one of her legs moving too far away from the other, it pulled the non-moving leg's side of the shorts to the left, to the left, and i got flashed by rancid morbidly obese carnie vagina lip. and she was SOOOOOOO LOUD! like, the teacher was like, "repeato, clasé!" and she'd say whatever spanish phrases, and we were supposed to repeat as a group afterward, but THIS BITCH has to PROVE that she DOESN'T NEED THIS CLASS or that she knows more than everybody else (OK, full disclosure, i typically find a way to demonstrate that i know more than everybody else by the end of the semester as well, BUT I DON'T TRY TO DO IT IN ONE DAY! that's just TACKY!) and the way she chooses to prove this, is to READ THE WORDS ON THE PAGE that the teacher is DEMONSTRATING FOR US ANYWAY and she'd say whatever in spanish before the rest of the class chimed in, OVERPRONOUNCING EVERY SYLLABLE to the point where it was like she was almost making fun of spanish speaking people?

i don't think it flew. our teacher is columbian.

anyways, that's the first time i've seen vagina in person in about um... ten years? not exactly making me question my lifechoices, i have to say.


  1. It is NOT okay to be late for the previews! Sorry about the vagina. Can't wait to hear about day two.

  2. IT'S SO NOT OK! Day two is hopefully on it's way in the not-so-distant future, and if you're lucky, something fucked up will happen to me that will amuse you when i write about it :-D
