Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Threadless $9 Sale!

This last one is for a friend...

These are LATE going up, but it's not my fault- blogger's been weird for me the last couple of days- a minute ago it said that i wasn't following ANY blogs (not true!) and then last night it was erroring everytime i tried to upload my new T-SHIRTS that i got from the 09/09/09 SALE over at Threadless! i TRIED to spread the love, but blogger was like "No!" and i tried three times, but to no avail until TONIGHT, and the sale may be over as i post this, but regardless, these are my new shirts! they are cool. threadless has neat stuff. the tree one has glow in the dark ink on it! i love shirts that glow. i wish they had grown up he-man briefs and stuff like that- i remember being so happy in my superhero briefs when i was a kid.

if you want to buy something through threadless, and you use my link, i get a 1.50 credit... if you're going there anyway, you know?

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