Friday, October 30, 2009

FOR HALLOWEEN, I GIVE YOU... White Assumptions of Superiority: Sandra Bullock Edition

Ok, so the whole "Nice White Lady" thing is not new by any means. You have your Michelle Pfeiffer Nice White Lady in "Dangerous Minds." You have your Hillary Swank Nice White Lady in the almost unspeakably bad "Freedom Writers." But now we have the new Gold Standard for nice white ladies celebrating their own generosity of spirit while clearly illustrating how incapable (and unwilling) minorities are of taking care of themselves or their families. Because black people are doomed to a life of crime, alcoholism, illiteracy and homelessness without the good fortune of Anglo-Saxonic intervention. Get ready for every white trash idiot hag you know to tell you how good this movie is. I hope the enamel on your teeth is ready for all the grinding that is sure to follow.

If you didn't have a bucket for vomitous and a syringe full of insulin at the ready, just watch the clip below to cleanse the palate.



  1. YESSS!
    that Wonder Showzen song is fucking awesome.

  2. BTW, i hear that Sandra Bullock is gonna win an Oscar for this delightful movie. i hear that it's GREAT, and HEARTWARMING, and that she may very well be the second coming of Christ. so get down on your knees & start worshiping, bitches, and maybe momma Bullock will let you suckle on some teat.

    hey... remember that movie Crash, where she portrays her real-life self?? that one was good, too.
