Thursday, February 11, 2010

Faggot By Day, Butch-Ass Motherfucker By Night

So i've been in financial aid HELL, like seventh circle fucked the fuck up financial aid hell, and they were trying to tell me that i needed to pay them over 900 dollars rather than collect a check for 900+ dollars... student services being in league with the devil and all, i decided that i would fight that shit because it's WRONG, but in the meantime, it would almost certainly NOT go in my favor, so i had better start finding a job immediately. over the summer i spent two months job hunting and never found shit, including gas stations.

this time, i asked one question, and i was hired. 11 dollars an hour to start!

(that's actually not bad for arizona blue collar work, new yorkers. we are right to work, so that's actually pretty good.)

dude sits behind me in A and P, and i guess he decided i have my shit together. he has his own company(s). a landscaping one and the one i'm going to be working at, where they go into restaurants at night and paint and sand up the varnish off the floors and all sorts of stuff like that. he said he'll train me, pick me up, take me home, and pay me under the table so it won't fuck with my financial aid... maybe i shouldn't blog that part. don't tell on me, fuckers!

anyway, i needed work clothes so my friend jason and his mom took me to wal-mart to get some steel toes and some dickie shirts, and i have to say, i kind of look like a big straight beast of a dude in these clothes. i look butch as fuck!

the picture is kind of jacked because it's hard for me to get my body into the frame from a mere arm's length, so it looks like you should be wearing 3D glasses or some shit.

oh, and by the way, my financial aid stuff got MOSTLY worked out (which is pretty much unheard of) and i even got a check in the mail today, so basically i'm NOT paying anybody 900 dollars, and i got 450 in the mail, so i'm up 1450 and PLUS i got a job, where the boss won't make me work when we've got an exam coming up!

will talk about the Diaz dinner soon... i want to write a REALLY long post about that. stay tuned!


  1. yayyy!
    i'm glad you got a chance to chum around with my momma a bit more. good times, yo.

    oh... and nice picture, rubber johnny. the pit stains are what really make it great. whore.

    i hope ya don't huff too many toxic fumes at work!


  2. Yay! I've been waiting for the Diaz 411, yo! Hooray on the job, hooray on the money, hooray in general!
