Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pray For Me

First Anatomy and Physiology exams are tomorrow (wednesday). There is a lecture exam and a lab exam, and the two together are about 20% of the semester grade. I've got the anatomy stuff pretty down pat, but i'll admit i haven't got the grasp of the physiology material that i should... the good news is that i am pretty confident that i can get a mid to high range A on the Lab exam, and that's the part that's non-negotiable. if i eat shit on the LECTURE exam, my cumulative final grade can replace it (assuming that it is my lowest lecture grade for the semester). Lab grades are forever, but you can fuck up ONE lecture exam. Still, i am SCARED! this class is so hardcore, seriously- plus it's maybe the single most important grade (if you consider a and p I and II one subject, which i do) that nursing programs are going to look at.

ANYWAY! back to work.


  1. i think that i probably got either 100% or a VERY high A on the lab portion, which is probably the harder material for most people, and i have NO IDEA what i got on the lecture, which probably means i got a C D or F, probably an F- but i'm letting it go and not feeling bad about it, because i can replace the lecture grade with my cumulative final grade... which will be an A. I'm getting all A's in A and P for the rest of the semester. it's not my PLAN, it's how it's going to be.
