Saturday, May 16, 2009

CREEPSVILLE: Summer Break Blues Edition!

I am TRYING to chillax and adjust to vacation mode, but i am having a hard time. I kind of don't know what to do without homework or studying or school happening. Yesterday I read about 200 pages of a book, made a london broil (it came out ok, but i had to pull it apart and sauce it all up with the... um... sauce. i think i put in too much garlic, and i wish i had only used a little so i had a more clear idea of how the soups + onion mix combo tastes but oh well. i think i'd make it again with an on sale london broil), cleaned the litterboxes for all 5 cats that live here, called my grandpa, went to the grocery store to buy stuff for the broil and paper plates for the catfood, watched the season finale of BONES, blogged, sent out emails to my English teacher from Fall and my FREEDOM!!! AND!!! TERROR!!!! CULTURES!!!IN!!CONFLICT!!! teacher from this last semester thanking them for everything this year (which i always feel is creepy, but i think it's important to say that stuff anyway. isn't it stupid how saying nice stuff to somebody is so awkward and hard?) and uh... i think that's all?

ANYWAY, i feel like i'm going a little nuts already, but it's probably important to decompress and just take a bit of a break. i have found that if life seems to be forcing relaxation on you (VERY UNCOMMON, btw) then you should take it, because that usually means that you're going to be bodyslammed with nonstop activity for a prolonged period of time, which i can easily imagine being the case immediately following the big move- which is only 9 days away. i've been wanting to drink, too- being alone with nothing to do and being stir crazy is a time tested formula for making guys want to be drunkish. it makes time killing really easy, and even bad tv is kind of good...

i do have a bunch of downloaded tv from the schoolyear that i haven't gotten to, but i almost feel too antsy to watch tv... when i watch tons of tv i always want to eat a ton of food. maybe í'll just read and take tv breaks between chapters. i had hoped to read a bunch of stuff this summer, and i have a stack of books here that are on the list, so. that's another good thing about my FREEDOM!!! etc class- it got me back in the habit of reading.

this was probably a boring post, but please realize that it's essentially occupational therapy and i'm all alone with 5 cats in this damn house, so CUT ME A FUCKING BREAK!

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